โณ15 โจ ⎘ $athom ⎘
Contact: @0xD9E0
WARNING: If you send any other amount insted of โณ15, or add any tokens, this would be considered as a donation and you will get nothing back except our gratitude.
Do not send ADA from an exchange! We recommend Eternl Wallet.
random generator ranging from 10T to 10Q
[Each press here will be added +1000 random results]
โณ5 โจ ⎘$athom
โณ1.5 + $athom rand(10T,10Q) *
back ๐
* random from 10 Trillion to 10 Quadrillion $athom
Contact: @0xD9E0
is $athom, which is the FT or Cardano Native Asset
"Art Piece" is a random NFT or a random amount of a FT from the $athom Gallery
โณ 15 โจ $athom ⎘ means "To send 15 ADA to $athom ADA handle or the following address: addr1qy4pucvjvpeczccyj9m4uqclr2pr8vknh39rlf8ec2hnaze74gxu3rm5rxx2nlmwj0dw7z28lrn0s8wgawxjcruw2xsq6cx0v8